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I am Nant Kyu Kyu Mar, one of the participants of the farmer field school implemented by Metta Foundation and SEARICE. I live in Hsaung Pone Village, Ayeyarwaddy Region, Myanmar. I am a proud farmer. I have five acres of farmland. I grow seasonal crops on my own farm every summer.


The reason I participated in this project is because I am interested in the topic discussed in the farmer field school (FFS). After taking part in this project, I came to know more about nutrition, soil conservation, and the importance of local seed varieties and neglected and underutilized species (NUS) — things that my community does not take seriously. I am now applying natural compost in my farm instead of chemical fertilizer to conserve the soil, sowing local seed varieties instead of hybrid seed varieties of the vegetables I grow to conserve local seeds through use.


Moreover, I quit using Ajinomoto (Monosodium glutamate) to season our food. I also now prepare a more diverse diet and meal for my family.

Photo and anecdote were collected by Nant Shwe Sin, a Community Facilitator for SD=HS Pillar 3 of METTA Foundation.


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All Rights Reserved. Photos are contributed by SEARICE staff and partner organizations and government agencies.

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