Our Work
SEARICE is a catalyst for transformative agroecology, highlighting the protection of agricultural biodiversity and promotion of farmers’ rights. SEARICE's current and past projects exemplify SEARICE's technical and policy work in these work areas.

Small farmer-led plant genetic resource use and conservation in Western Visayas, Philippines
The SEARICE project titled "Engendering access for smallholder farmers to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture for conservation and sustainable use" is being implemented in Negros Occidental Province in the Philippines. The project seeks to address the challenge facing farmers, who lack access to seeds and planting materials from which they can develop crop varieties that not only meet their nutritional needs, but which are also best suited to local farming conditions.
Rights-based and agroecological initiatives for sustainability and equity in Asia
The Rights-based and Agroecological Initiatives for Sustainability and Equity in Asia (RAISE-Asia) is being implemented by SEARICE with support from Stockholms universitet, SwedBio at Stockholm Resilience Centre, or SwedBio for short. This Project started in July 2021 and is scheduled to wind down in December 2024.