Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028)
SEARICE has always worked closely with small holder farmers. We firmly believe that family farmers are the backbone and heart and soul of agriculture.
In 2014, the Year of Small Holder Farmers, we called to SAVE OUR SEEDS, SUSTAIN OUR FARMS, SECURE OUR FOOD on behalf of our farmer-partners. This year, the beginning of the Decade for Family Farming, the same call holds true. And perhaps even beyond.
According to Food and Agriculture (FAO), “seeds are the primary basis for human sustenance. They are the repository of the genetic potential of crop species and their varieties resulting from the continuous improvement and selection over time.” It is thus important that our small holder farmers have access to seeds – that they are free to develop and use the seeds that are suitable to their locality – if they are to continue producing food to feed the human race.
In 2018, the United Nations declared 2019-2028 as Decade of Family Farming. The UN declaration in their website reads:
The U.N. Aims to Unite Efforts for the Decade of Family Farmers
The U.N. General Assembly has officially declared 2019–2028 the Decade of Family Farming. Initially proposed in October 2017, the resolution passed with 104 co-sponsors and unanimous approval. The Decade aims to inspire the international community to generate a refreshed political commitment supporting family farmers and crafting pro-family farming policies.
The resolution acknowledges family farmers as key leaders in the pursuit of the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically in “ensuring global food security, eradicating poverty, ending hunger, conserving biodiversity, achieving environmental sustainability, and helping to address migration.”
Read more here:
With the declaration of 2019-2028 as decade of Family Farming, SEARICE will intensify our message of putting farmers – the family farmers – at the center of policy discussions to ensure that our farmers are provided with genuine support. After all, we cannot truly move forward without empowering the very backbone and reason for our work.