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SEARICE advocates for policies that recognize, support, strengthen, and institutionalize community initiatives on the conservation, development, and use of PGRs. It develops the capacities of its partners, particularly farmers, on policy advocacy and campaign works through participatory action researches and lobbying for policies and mechanisms that protect farmers’ initiatives and community PGRs.


It is largely directed at reforming the proprietary systems in the global seed industry and helping farming communities reassert control over seeds.

SEARICE promotes the realization of the full bundle of farmers’ rights. Operationally, the work ranges from research and analysis, to documentation and publication, to lobbying and campaigning.

At the community level, SEARICE supports and documents farmers’ sustainable farming practices and facilitates their participation in decision-making and policy formulation processes at the local government level.

At the national and international levels, SEARICE monitors policies and programs that could either support or undermine community-based initiatives on PGR conservation and development. SEARICE also undertakes proactive actions to help create favorable policy environments for farmers or mitigate the impacts of adverse laws and policies. It likewise works to build and broaden the constituency that can help advance the advocacy for sustainable agriculture and food justice.

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COPYRIGHT © 2021 Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment

All Rights Reserved. Photos are contributed by SEARICE staff and partner organizations and government agencies.

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